
I Raise up My Voice

I raise up my voice-not so that I can shout, but so that those without a voice can be heard.

Women cell aims at empowering and orienting women to recognize their true potential and to help them attain their own stand in a competing world. Its goal is the overall development in all spheres of their life. The targeted group includes all UG, PG students, teaching and non-Teaching staff and contractual workers.

Main objectives includes

  • To enhance self esteem and self confidence among women students and staff.
  • To foster decision making ability.
  • To increase awareness of women related social issues, health, employment and gender related matters.
  • To realize role of women in building up of a healthy society.

In pursuance of the directions issued by the UGC and MHRD, the College has set up the Women Cell with the following objective:

To provide and maintain a dignified, congenial working environment for women employees (including teaching, non-teaching and contractual workers) and students, where they can work, study and explore their potential to the fullest.

Any employees including faculty, staff, contractual, temporary, casual and student can approach the Women Cell.

  • Organizing special lectures by women achievers and interaction with students.
  • Workshops related to self employment of girl students.
  • Encouragement in group activities by organizing events like food festival, workshops, guest lectures etc.